

Here is our plan. We have TEN weeks to our big day! And we need $250 to meet our target. So we give you the option to raise a minimum of $25 per week. That’s only one ticket per week! Now that’s easy, no? Please help us to make this wonderful effort possible. Remember, it’s all for a good cause. Each purchase of a raffle ticket will contribute towards buying a goat for a Kenyan houshold with atleast one member infected with HIV/AIDS. The goat can provide nutrition and income to these families. So hurry up and let’s get the countdown started!

So this is how our countdown is going to work. Every week we will update the chart. For example, if after the first week we are successful in raising $25 (which we will be), the chart will look like this:

In the words of Black Eyed Peas, “Let’s get it started (ha), let’s get it started in here.”

Tickets may be purchased securely through our website at www.mra-africa.org